
2016 International Symposium on Excellence in Teaching and Learning

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  • Announced by:CTLD
  • Viewed:13534
Date   06/28/2016
Location   GIS NTU Convention Center

  • On June 28th, the Taiwan Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education (TPOD), the Second Northern Taiwan Teaching Resource Center (N2) and the Center for Teaching and Learning Development of National Taiwan University (CTLD) will collaborate and hold the first International Symposium on Excellence in Teaching and Learning.

    The theme of this year’s international symposium is “Future Vision and Strategic Development of Teaching in Higher Education”. Eric Mazur, Mary Deane Sorcinelli, Susan McCahan, and Toshiyuki Yamamoto, four international renowned scholars in the field of teaching shall deliver speeches and engage in discussion on relevant issues. This shall allow the participants to understand the newest global developments and trends for teaching in higher education. In order to provide an opportunity for exchanging and sharing teaching experiences, highlights and posters from each teaching center will be displayed at the conference. Moreover, by observing and emulating the merits of the different teaching centers, the conference hopes to improve the professional competence and enhance the results of the centers’ services.

    To receive more updates and information, please visit the TPOD registration website.