
Call for Papers NTNU International Conference on EMI in Higher Education: Challenges and Prospects

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Date   Date of conference: June 15-16, 2022
Location   National Taiwan Normal University
Hosted by   Center for Teaching and Learning Development National Taiwan Normal University
Implementer   Center for Teaching and Learning Development National Taiwan Normal University
registration periods   Abstract submission: April 15, 2022
Online Registration
Contact Person   Mei-Tzu Pan +886-2-7749-1896 Vicky HUANG +886-2-7749-1889

  1. Goal of the Conference

To improve the competitiveness of talents and industries, the Executive Yuan (Taiwan) issued the “Blueprint for Developing Taiwan into a Bilingual Nation by 2030” in December 2018 to facilitate the improvement of students’ English proficiency. Base on this policy, the Ministry of Education launched the Program on Bilingual Education for Students in College to build a bilingual teaching and learning environment for universities and colleges, and in turns improve the English proficiency of students in higher education and the international competitiveness of universities in Taiwan.

In the light of this, National Taiwan Normal University will host the International Conference on English Medium Instruction (EMI) in Higher Education: Challenges and Prospects on the 15th to 16th of June, 2022. It is believed that the symposium will serve as a platform for participants from different countries, institutes, and disciplines, and will further facilitate the discussion between academics and practitioners on EMI-related topics. Besides, it is expected that an edited book, with papers contributed by presenters of the symposium, will be published in Spring 2023.


  1. Suggested Presentation Topics
  1. Management of EMI-HE organizations
  2. Articulation of English learning in bilingual educational process
  3. Professional development for EMI-HE teachers
  4. Student learning in EMI-HE courses
  1. Quality assurance for EMI-HE courses
  2. Performance assessment for EMI-HE courses
  3. Use of corpora in EMI-HE
  4. Sharing of experiences or practices in EMI-HE


  1. Types of Presentation: There are 2 types of presentation: oral and poster. The presenters will be notified their type of presentation in the paper review result.


  1. Abstract Submission
    1. Abstract should include: Goal of Research, Literature Review, Methods, and Results and Discussion.
    2. No more than 1,000 words. English and Chinese are both welcome. Please list three to five keywords.
    3. Submit the abstract before April 15th, 2022. The review result will be notified on April 29th, 2022.
    4. After reviewing, we will invite authors of the outstanding papers to submit the full text of the article before August 31th, 2022. The papers will be included in the edited book: “English Medium Instruction (EMI) in Higher Education: conversation between theory and practice” (title to be confirmed).
    5. The template of abstract is listed below:


  1. Key Dates
    1. Abstract submission: April 15, 2022
    2. Announcement of abstract review result: April 29, 2022.
    3. Registration deadline: May 31, 2022
    4. Presentation files or poster submission: June 8, 2022
    5. Date of conference: June 15-16, 2022
    6. Full text submission: August 31, 2022
    7. Publication of edited book: Spring, 2023


For more information, please see the website of conference:


Center for Teaching and Learning Development

National Taiwan Normal University

Mei-Tzu Pan    +886-2-7749-1896

Vicky HUANG  +886-2-7749-1889

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