- 2020臺灣高等教育教學專業發展學會(TPOD)會員大會暨全球疫情下國際高等教育教學策略的轉變研討會
- 活動時間:2020.11.27
- 活動地點:大同大學尚志教育研究館3樓音樂廳
- 前往研討會網站
- 高等教育跨領域教與學研討會暨TPOD會員大會
The Conference of Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning in Higher Education & Annual Meeting of TPOD 2019
- 活動時間:2019年11月29日(五)
- 活動地點:大同大學
The Conference of Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
& Annual Meeting of TPOD 2019
- 前往研討會網站
- 高等教育跨領域教與學研討會暨TPOD會員大會
- 全球浪潮下高等教育的教與學研討會暨 TPOD 會員大會
The Conference of Higher Education Teaching and Learning in the Globalizing Waves and Annual Meeting for TPOD 2018
- 活動時間:2018.11.30
- 活動地點:國立臺灣師範大學國際會議中心2樓
The conference aims to raise future quality and innovation through sharing ways to engage higher education teaching and learning amidst the globalizing waves. We also invited scholars and specialists to exchange and share the experiences about the development of international higher education instruction. This will enhance dialogue and interaction and lead to fostering a higher quality ecosystem in higher education instruction. You are sincerely invited to attend and enrich both the breadth and depth of the conference, as we strive towards a new era for higher education teaching and learning.
- 前往研討會網站
- 全球浪潮下高等教育的教與學研討會暨 TPOD 會員大會