Taiwan Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education TPOD

Past Events

Time Period:
  • 2020 Annual Meeting of TPOD
    2020 Annual Meeting of TPOD


    TPOD held its 2020 members’ congregation on November 27, 2020 in Tatung University, Taipei, Taiwan. 

    Colleges and universities should first consider the acceptance and applicability of various software and hardware devices by teachers and students in the digital teaching operation in the post-epidemic era, and also address the digital gap between urban and rural areas and the fairness of resource allocation.  Institutes of higher education should consider whether students can accept teachers’ distance teaching methods, whether students get along to the rapid and large amounts of knowledge transformation and to the awareness competence on digital teaching and learning. The scholars in this conference look forward to asking what lessons COVID-19 can offer for the future of online and distance learning as well as the strategies for the prosperous development in higher education.

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  • 260AED55-7B55-4E4C-B44E-6E82DF59C212.png
    Higher Education Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning Conference & TPOD Annual Meeting


    TPOD held its 2019 members’ congregation on November 29, 2019 in Tatung University, Taipei, Taiwan. Participants hailed from National Cheng Kung University, Tzu Chi University, National Cheng Chi University, Soochow University, Tamkang University, Tatung University, Taipei Medical University, National Chiao Tung University, Mackay Medical College, National Taiwan University, National Taiwan Normal University, Providence University, and National Dong Hwa University. The congregation was jointly held with the Higher Education Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning Conference, covering topics such as “Learning isn’t what you think: Lessons from Learning Science” and “Observations of international instructional development in higher education.”

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  • 全球浪潮下高等教育的教與學研討會  Fin.jpg

    The Conference of Higher Education Teaching and Learning in the Globalizing Waves & Annual Meeting of TPOD 2018



    臺灣高等教育專業發展網絡(TPOD) 第二屆第二次會員大會








    報到 ( 1. 簽到;  2. 會員繳費;  3. 領取大會手冊)




    Welcome Addresses



    Moderator: Yao-Ting Sung, Executive Vice President, NTNU


    Keynote Speech I

    A Global Perspective on the Future of Higher Education: Do We Adjust to Survive or Do We Embrace to Thrive

    Keynote Speaker:Professor Johannes Britz

    Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA


    與會人員大合照 Photo Taking



    Tea Break


    Keynote Speech II

    Self-Assessment, Peer Assessment and Student Assessment of Teaching: Triangulating the Data for Educational Excellence

    Keynote Speaker:Professor Anna M. Kindler

    Senior Advisor International, Faculty of Education, Former Vice Provost and Associate Vice President Academic, University of British Columbia, Canada



    Lunch/Annual Meeting of TPOD 2018

    Venue: International Conference Center 3F

    主持人:陳昭珍理事長 報告人:蔡雅薰秘書長


    論壇 I  全球浪潮下臺灣高等教育教與學因應之道

    Forum I Teaching and Learning Responses of Taiwanese Higher Education in the Globalizing Waves

    Moderator: Prof. Chao-Chen Chen, Vice President of Academic Affairs, NTNU

    講題一:教育創新、人才培育與教師專業發展 Talent Development and Faculty Development for Higher Education Innovation

    岳修平教授 Prof. Hsiu-Ping Yueh/臺灣大學副教務長

    Deputy Vice President for Academic Affairs, National Taiwan University

    講題二:技優生培育的經驗分享-以臺科大為例The Experiences of the Training Program for Excellent Skill Students -Taking National Taiwan University of Science and Technology as an example

    劉添華教授 Prof. Tian-Hua Liu/臺灣科技大學教務長 

    Dean of Academic Affairs, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

    講題三:逢甲大學CDIO與PBL教學成效Teaching & Learning Effectiveness of CDIO and PBL in Feng Chia University

    王   葳教授 Prof. Wei Wang/逢甲大學教務長  

    Dean of the Office of Academic Affairs, Feng Chia University


    中場休息 Break


    論壇 II  臺灣高等教育教學實踐研究

    Forum II Taiwanese Higher Education Instructional Practice Research


    International Conference Center 2F


    International Conference Center 3F

    A場 /主持人:蔡雅薰副教務長/臺灣師範大學

    Session A/ Moderator: Prof. Ya-Hsun Tsai, Associate Vice President, NTNU

    講題 I:尋找教學秘境:教育學早讀會經驗分享Seeking Instructional Nirvana: Experience sharing of Morning Study Club in Education

    林逢祺教授 Prof. Ferng-Chyi Lin/臺師大教育學系主任 Chairman of The Dept. of Education, NTNU

    講題 II:高等教育的新前沿:當教學、研究和社區開始對話A new frontier for higher education: when teaching, conducting research and engaging community meet

    蘇淑娟教授 Prof. Shew-Jiuan Su/臺師大地理學系主任 Chairman of The Dept. of Geography, NTNU

    講題 III:教學實踐研究成為教學創新的可能?Is Teaching Practice Research Program a Trigger for Flipped Teaching?

    鄭志文副教授 Prof. Chih-Wen Cheng/靜宜大學副教務長兼教學發展中心主任 Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs, Providence University

    B場 /主持人:胡衍南副教務長/臺灣師範大學

    Session B/ Moderator: Prof. Yan-Nan Hu, Associate Vice President, NTNU

    講題 I:具身性的體育教學實踐-邁向後杜威式的知識轉化行動之策略Embodied practices of pedagogy in physical education: Toward a after-Deweyian strategy of transforming action knowledge

    施登堯副教授 Prof. Deng-Yau Shy/臺師大體育系 Dept. of Physical Education, NTNU

    講題 II:淺談閱讀書寫到敍事力的教學實踐研究

    陳明柔教授 Prof. Ming-Road Chen/靜宜大學臺灣文學系 Dept. of Taiwanese Literature, Providence University

    講題III:跨域教與學的推動與整Promotion and integration of trans-disciplinary teaching and learning

    王育民教授 Prof. Ju-Ming Wang/成功大學副教務長兼教學發展中心主任 Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs, National Cheng Kung University



    論壇 III  國際高等教育教學發展方向與觀察

    Forum III International Higher Education Instructional Development Direction and Observation


    Session A/ Moderator: Prof. Wei-Jung Chen, Dean of College of Bioresources, National Ilan University

    1.臺灣大學National Taiwan University

    2.臺北醫學院Taipei Medical University

    3.宜蘭大學National Ilan University

    4.東吳大學Soochow University

    B 場/主持人:蔡雅薰副教務長/臺灣師範大學

    Session B/ Moderator: Prof. Ya-Hsun Tsai, Associate Vice President, NTNU

    1.臺灣師範大學National Taiwan Normal University

    2.成功大學National Cheng Kung University

    3..淡江大學Tamkang University

    4.馬偕醫學院Mackay Medical College




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共 2 頁,4 筆資訊